Scott Kelsey

Monday, May 18, 2009

The First Kidney stone is the worst Kidney Stone

My first kidney stone was my worst Kidney Stone. You have NO clue what is going on in your body and what kind of Pain is going to come next...

I remember I was 18 years old and my parents came to visit me in college, we were all driving back from dinner and I felt like I had to pee, not like a normal feeling of a full bladder but like a burning / internal itching feeling, one that I have never experienced every before. (If you have had a Kidney Stone or have one right now, I'm sure you know what I mean). I remember I could not sit still the whole ride home then we I did get home the pain in my kidneys was so bad a laid on my bedroom floor curled up in the fetus position for a few hours. Luckily my dad "The King of Kidney Stones" was there to walk me though it. Laughing the whole time.

My first Kidney Stone was the must uncomfortable feeling that you could think of, I could never get comfortable nor could I sit still for most of the time I had it. I remember pacing up and down the Urologist waiting room because there is no way I could sit in one of the small thinly cushioned doctor's office chairs. I'm sure everyone in there thought I was on something the way I paced and grunted to myself every time a sharp pain would shoot through my lower back. Finally they called me in.


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